Karen DeGasperis REALTOR

San Diego Market Stats by Property Type
Each Month is One Data Point (Last 3 years)

Median Price

Single Family


Days On Market

Single Family


Months Inventory

Single Family


Sales Price / Original List Price Ratio

Single Family


New Listings

Single Family


Sold Listings

Single Family


Distressed - Foreclosures /Short Sales

Active Listings

Sold Listings


Median Sales Price – This represents the “middle” price of homes that sold, meaning that half of the homes sold for a higher price and half sold for less.

Days on Market – The number of days between when a property is listed and when a property is sold in a given month. How long homes are taking to sell.

Months Inventory – The number of months it would take for the current inventory of homes on the market to sell. A neutral market is 6 months inventory.

Sales Price to Original List Price Ratio – Percentage found when dividing a listing’s sales price by its original list price, then taking the average or median for all sold listings in a given month, not accounting for seller concessions. Calculations are based on sold data. How much above/below original list price homes are selling for.

New Listings – This is a count of newly listed properties on the market in a given month.

Sold Listings – This is a count of sold properties in a given month.